Our Core, Your door - add fire to your sales
Explanation of Listing Categories

Category A: Doors - No Additional Edge-Sealing System Required

This category includes doors evaluated without an edge-sealing system between the door and frame. It also includes doors evaluated with a sealing system incorporated (concealed or visible) into the edge of the door by the licensed manufacturer or machining distributor. Meeting edges of pairs may require an astragal or an edge-sealing system. Please refer to individual door listing.

Category B: Doors - Additional Edge-Sealing System Required

This category includes doors evaluated with an edge-sealing system (Category G) field-applied to the labeled frame or door. The application of the edge-sealing system does not require any machining of the frame or door. Please refer to Category G, "Edge-Sealing Systems" for individual manufacturer's listing.

These assemblies are eligible for use in any Category C, "Standard" frame. These doors may also be installed in frames listed in Category C, "Proprietary" in accordance with the frame manufacturer's individual listing.

All doors listed in Category B are eligible to bear the "S" (for Smoke & Draft Control assemblies) if a listed Category H, "Smoke & Draft Control Gasket" has been applied to the assembly. Please refer to Category H for individual gasket manufacturer's listings.

Category C: Proprietary Frames

This category includes frames not based on ANSI-A155.1/UL-63 construction type (such as aluminum, wood, light gauge steel, composite, etc.). These listings will reference specific door types for which each frame is qualified. All frames listed in this section may be used in positive pressure assemblies per the terms and limitations of the individual listing.

Category C: Standard Frames

This category includes frames based on ANSI-A155.1/UL-63 and includes sidelight/transom assemblies. These frames are qualified for use in positive pressure assemblies, with Category A doors, or with Category B doors utilizing Category G, "Edge-Sealing Systems". These frames, when installed in pairs in drywall construction, shall have anchors installed in the head section, minimum 24" O.C. These listings will not reference specific door types, as all door types are eligible.

Category D: Door/Frame Assemblies

This category includes doors and frames that are labeled for positive pressure compliance as an assembly.

Category E: Hardware

Refer to ITS "Directory of Listed Building Products" for hardware listings. Hardware that qualifies for positive pressure will be noted with the statement "Also conforms to UBC-7-2-97/UL-10C".

Category F: Light Kits

Products listed in this category have been evaluated for use in positive pressure fire door assemblies for specific types of doors and with specific glazing systems. Refer to the individual listings for limitations and requirements.

Category G: Edge-Sealing Systems

This category includes field-applied systems only. Category G, "Edge-Seal Systems" are for use on Category B doors, or meeting edges (only) of Category A doors. These systems are surface-applied to either the perimeter of the door or frame, or meeting edge of the door. They may be kerf-applied, adhesive-backed, or mechanically fastened.

Category H: Smoke and Draft Control Gasketing

This category includes gasket systems that are surface-applied (such as kerf-applied, adhesive-backed, or mechanically-attached) to frames or doors. It includes gasketing for the meeting edges for use in pair and double egress assemblies.

Note: This category covers gasket systems that have been evaluated for use in positive pressure rated assemblies, but do not provide an edge-sealing system to the opening (see Category G). These gasket systems have been evaluated in accordance with UBC-7-2-97, Parts I and II.  Note: This category covers gasket systems

12110 North Tejon St
Westminster, CO 80234
888-955-FYRE (3973)
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